
壹周星闻 | 黄老板订婚暗示当爸爸后或将退出歌坛;《天线宝宝》中丁丁的扮演者去世;艾尔顿约翰将办最后巡演

作者:21世纪英文报 来源:21世纪英文报 公众号



黄老板最近曝出与女友Cherry Seaborn订婚的消息,恐怕大家都知道了(戳这里回顾)。不过,他还暗示说自己有可能在有娃之后就要归隐了。他在接受英国《每日星报》报道时表示,组建家庭有了孩子后,自己在音乐道路上的野心将会归零,会想当个好爸爸。此前,黄老板还表示要在而立之年到来前成家。


The Huffington Post reports that Ed Sheeran might have a stranglehold on pretty much every chart on the planet, but that could change in the not-too-distant future, according to the singer.


The 26-year-old has hinted he might turn his back on music for good once he has children.


And that could happen sooner rather than later after it was revealed last weekend that the singer has gotten engaged to his long-term girlfriend, Cherry Seaborn.


He told the Daily Star: “My ambition is going to go to zero as soon as I have kids.


“I am going to be like, ‘I do not really care anymore as I have another life to take care of’.


“It is totally understandable because you have children and your ambition shifts to be like, ‘I want to be a good father’.”


The Shape Of You singer previously revealed he’d love to start a family before he hits his thirties.


Ed and Cherry announced their engagement on Instagram on Jan 21.


马上学:Stranglehold意指“压制”、“束缚”,例如:The two major companies have been tightening their stranglehold on the beer market.(两大公司开始加强对啤酒市场的控制。)



在英国著名幼儿节目《天线宝宝》中扮演丁丁的西蒙•谢尔顿巴恩斯17日突然离世,享年52岁。英国女演员,谢尔顿巴恩斯的侄女Emily Atack在Ins上发文悼念,表示巴恩斯的离世太过突然,认识他的人都爱他。《天线宝宝》官方推特也表示哀悼并向其亲友表示慰问。巴恩斯是一位训练有素的芭蕾舞者和编舞。他在1998年加入《天线宝宝》的拍摄,替换之前被解雇的丁丁的扮演者。

Fox News reports that Simon Shelton Barnes, a British actor best known for his role as the purple Teletubby Tinky Winky, has died at the age of 52.


Barnes’ niece, the Inbetweeners actress Emily Atack, shared the news of her uncle’s passing on Instagram.


“My wonderful uncle Simon Barnes has been taken from us all so suddenly,” she wrote. “The kindest and most talented man you could ever wish to meet. Loved by all who knew him, and will be forever. X”


The actor was also honored on the official Teletubbies Twitter page.


“Very sad to hear that actor Simon Shelton, who played Tinky Winky in the late ['90s], has sadly passed away. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Big hugs.”


According to the BBC, Barnes died on Jan 17.


Barnes, a trained ballet dancer and choreographer, joined the cast of Teletubbies in 1998. He took over the role as Tinky Winky after the original actor was fired.


马上学:Take (sth) over表示“接管” 、“接手”,例如:She took over as manager two weeks ago.(她两周前接任经理一职。)



歌坛传奇人物埃尔顿•约翰,对,就是在《王牌特工2:黄金圈》(Kingsman: The Golden Circle)中以本人身份客串被Poppy姐绑架的那位,本周三宣布下一次巡回演唱会将会是自己的最后一场,巡演名为《Farewell Yellow Brick Road》,为期3年。约翰表示将以自己的家庭为重,这个决定其实早在2015年就做了,但是自己还想出更多的专辑。在即将举行的格莱美颁奖仪式上,约翰还将与麦粒姐同台献唱。


According to CNN, Sir Elton John is saying goodbye to life on the road.


The music icon announced at a press event on Wednesday that his next world tour will be his last. The three-year tour will start in September, John told CNN's Anderson Cooper in a sit-down chat that was live-streamed around the world.


"I've been touring since I was 17 with various bands," John said. "I thought the time is right to say thank you to all my fans and say goodbye."


John said his priorities changed when he and his husband, David Furnish, had children.


"We had children and had changed our lives and in 2015 we sat down with their school schedule and we said I'm going to miss too much of this," he told Cooper.


John said on Wednesday that he decided in 2015 that this would be his last tour, telling Cooper, "I can't go on forever." The tour is called "Farewell Yellow Brick Road" but this isn't farewell forever. John said he still wants to make more albums.


John, 70, is also scheduled to perform a duet with American pop singer Miley Cyrus, 25, at the Grammy Awards this weekend at Madison Square Garden in New York City.


马上学:On the road可以表示“奔波在外”,也可以指“作巡回演出”,例如:Most rock groups spend two or three months a year on the road.(大多数的摇滚乐团一年有两三个月的时间作巡回演出。)


整个朋友圈都在等“蛙儿子”回家, “养蛙”怎么突然就火了?









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