

作者:21世纪英文报 来源:21世纪英文报 公众号




据央视网援引韩国《亚洲经济》报道,检出锑超标的产品有Aritaum full cover遮瑕棒/膏1号亮白色及2号自然色伊蒂之屋AC Clear up遮瑕膏砍刀眉笔3号灰棕色XTM style homme遮瑕棒Black Monster black erasing遮瑕棒SKEDA男士遮瑕棒Skin food樱桃唇线笔3CE超细眉笔#CHESTNUT BROWNMakeheal裸妆超细眉笔BR0203等13种产品。违规产品都是由同一家韩国化妆品代工厂在今年1月份左右生产。




Beauty products from leading South Korean brands including Skinfood, 3CE and Etude House have been found to contain amounts of heavy metal exceeding the legal limit.


Eyebrow pencils and liquid concealer, among others, from eight producers were found to contain excessive antimony – also known as kohl, a type of lustrous gray metalloid whose dust particles are suspected to cause cancer and liver and kidney damage if inhaled or absorbed, according to a recent test by South Korea’s food and medicine safety authority.


Excessive and prolonged use of antimony may also cause skin irritation and dermatitis. But this metal is still widely found in cosmetics and dyeing products.




AmorePacific has apologized last Tuesday for its cosmetics products that were found to contain excessive amounts of a carcinogenic heavy metal.


The cosmetics giant said it will voluntarily give refunds for the products at its nationwide stores until April 2.


The measure came after an announcement by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety a day earlier.


The ministry has ordered a suspension of sales and a recall of 13 cosmetics products that were found to contain over 10 micrograms of antimony per gram.


An original design manufacturer named Hwasung Cosmetics supplied the products to eight companies.



1. Aritaum Full Cover 遮瑕棒/膏(1号亮白色)

AAH / 2021年1月12日,BAH / 2021年1月30日,CBH / 2021年2月11日

2. Aritaum Full Cover遮瑕棒/膏 (2号自然米色)

ELG / 2020年12月17日

3. Full Cover Cream遮瑕膏(1号)

GLG / 2020年12月14日,AAH / 2021年1月30日

4. Full Cover Cream遮瑕膏(2号)

AAH / 2021年1月14日

5. Etude House Ac Clean up遮瑕膏

AAH / 2021年1月8日

6. Drawing Eye Brow duo眉笔 (3号灰棕色)

GLG / 2020年12月17日

7. XTM Style Homme 遮瑕棒

AAH / 2021年1月23日

8. Black Monster Black Erasing遮瑕棒

AAH / 2021年1月15日,AAH / 2021年1月16日

9. SKEDA Man’s spot遮瑕棒

AAH / 2021年2月1日

10. Skinfood 樱桃唇线笔 (5号玫瑰樱桃)

AAH / 2021年2月1日

11. 3CE Slim Eyebrow Pencil眉笔 (# CHESTNUT BROWN)

AAH / 2021年1月21日,AAH / 2021年1月22日

12. Makeheal 裸妆超细眉笔 (# BR0203)

ABH / 2021年2月6日

13. Makeheal 裸妆超细眉笔 (# YL0801)

ABH / 2021年2月7日


知道不少小伙伴都被这些问题产品惊吓到了,下面世纪君为大家奉上一段歪果老爸全程解说女儿化妆过程的欢乐小视频压压惊↓↓↓想知道化妆一共分几步?这位国外老爸告诉你:先涂妆前乳(primer),再打粉底液(liquid foundation),然后用化妆海绵(makeup sponge)拍匀……这位老爸的全程解说,简直太“魔性”了……

看完这位老爸一本正经的“胡说八道”, 为了赶走世纪君脑子里一直在魔性重复的那句:dab dab dab dab dab……现在本君就给各位小仙女们送上“正经版”化妆步骤解说,收藏学起来~

1. 洗脸。不论你是什么肤质,洗完后都先涂一层保湿霜。

Wash your face. Finish up by applying a facial moisturizer, regardless of your skin type.

2. 化妆前,先上一层妆前乳。

Prime your face. Before you add any makeup you need to prime your face.

3. 涂粉底。液体、霜状、粉状的粉底都可以令肤色更加均匀,为接下来的化妆打好基础。

Put on a coat of foundation. Liquid, cream, and powder foundations all act to create a more even complexion, working to create an even base for your other makeup. 

4. 涂遮瑕。这一步是为了遮盖面部瑕疵或者黑眼圈。

Apply your concealer. The purpose of concealer is to even out uneven skin tone as a result of blemishes or dark under-eye circles.

5. 定妆粉。这一步可以令底妆更持久。

Set your foundation and concealer. This step is optional, but if you’re looking for long-lasting, crease free makeup you should use a setting powder to hold your foundation and concealer in place. 

6. 打高光。这一步可以增强脸部立体感。

Apply a highlighter. In order to provide some depth, you’ll need to create the illusion of highlights and shadows. 

7. 修容。 暗色修容粉可以制造阴影,让脸颊显得更小,凸显面部轮廓。

Add depth with contouring. The opposite of bringing out the highlights on your face, contouring involves adding a powder that is a few shades darker than your actual skin tone (different than a bronzer) to the areas you want to look minimized or further away.  

8. 双颊涂抹腮红。

Apply a little blush. The final step in prepping your face is to add blush to your cheeks.

9. 描眉。这一步视每个人眉毛的浓密程度而定,不过眉毛细或稀疏的小仙女一定要画眉。

Fill in your eyebrows. This step is optional depending on the fullness of your eyebrows, but is generally recommended for those who have thin or sparse eyebrows.

10. 眼部打底,这是个可选项,但是打底后可以使眼影更持久。

Apply an eyeshadow primer. This is another optional product, but applying an eyeshadow primer will help your eyeshadow to stay on for much longer.

11. 画眼影。眼影有很多种画法,最基本的就是用单色眼影涂抹整个眼皮。

Put on your eyeshadow. There are many ways to apply eyeshadow, although the most basic and classic look is to apply a single color over the entirety of your eyelid. 

12. 画眼线。这一步主要是为了让眼线更浓,颜色可选择与自然发色一致的。

Apply your eyeliner. The purpose of eyeliner is to provide the illusion of a fuller lash line; therefore, choose a color that is similar to your natural hair color (or brown if you have blond hair) to go along your lashes. 

13. 刷睫毛膏。 

Finish off with mascara. To complete your eye makeup, you’ll need to top off your eyes with a bit of mascara. 

14. 画唇妆。先用润唇膏、唇部打底,或定妆液。

Smooth out your lips. Apply lip balm, primer, or sealer.

15. 画唇线,颜色也是要和唇色搭配。

Apply lip liner. Line your lips with a liner that matches your lip color or the color you are going to apply.

16. 用小刷子或者直接用口红或者唇彩涂抹双唇。

Apply lipstick or lip gloss with a brush or straight from the tube. 

17. 小仙女妆容完成~

Finish off your look. With the completion of your lips makeup, your look is finished!

遮瑕膏: concealer

修容饼:shading powder

粉底: foundation 

粉饼: pressed powder

眉粉: brow powder

眉笔:brow pencil

眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner

眼影: eye shadow

睫毛膏: mascara

唇线笔: lip liner

唇膏: lip color/lipstick

唇彩: lip gloss/lip color

腮红: blusher

粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush

粉扑: powder puffs

海绵扑: sponge puffs

眉刷: brow brush

睫毛夹: lash curler

眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator

口红刷: lip brush

胭脂扫: blush brush

吸油纸: oil-absorbing sheets

化装棉: cotton pads

棉签: Q-tips




韩国 化妆品 







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